Jay Manalansan

Web Developer

Web Developer with 8 years of experience in creating dynamic and user-friendly web solutions. Skilled in front-end development with a solid foundation in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Currently focusing on expanding my skills with React, Next.js, Node.js, and Tailwind CSS. Looking to leverage my diverse web and software development experience to contribute as a front-end, web, or software developer in a forward-thinking company. I'm always ready to learn new technology to help out my team or client in any way possible.


Frost resource center is an internal website with logins to share files and information to employees.

for Frost Law Firm, PC

I built the front end using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind UI components, and the Microsoft Authentication Library. It calls a back end REST API that I set up through a headless CMS, Strapi.

I deployed the front end and back end on DigitalOcean while my images and assets are served from an AWS S3 Bucket and distributed through AWS CloudFront.

I used Git repositories for version control and set up pre-commit hooks to verify my builds before pushing them to production.


Next.js React TypeScript Tailwind CSS MSAL DigitalOcean


A law firm website to help new clients learn and reach out to the firm.

for Frost Law Firm, PC

I used Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and styled-components.

I also used SendGrid and Formik to submit customer contact information to a Frost Law Firm email account.

They wanted a "small mom and pop shop" feel and their clients are typically less tech-familiar seniors who may be diagnosed with cancer. I researched web accessibility and balanced design choices that reflected what I found with some aesthetics Frost Law Firm wanted.

Visit siteGithub


React Next.js TypeScript Tailwind CSS Formik SendGrid styled-components


Software developer at an international tech focused e-commerce company

at iHerb

I started as a web applications developer and was promoted to software developer as I gained more experience working with C# and MySQL. I mainly focused on the front end but occasionally looked into back end issues and saw if I could solve the problem.

I learned to code in C# on the job as our codebase was in .NET. Most of my day was writing in JavaScript, jQuery, SCSS, and C#.

I was part of team projects on My Account pages, Orders pages, and Rewards pages: building customer-facing and internal front end.


HTML JavaScript jQuery SCSS Razor C# .Net/.Net Core MySQL Microsoft TFS Git Octopus Harness Jenkins Docker Jira